IS IT TIME TO REPLACE YOUR WATER HEATER? Hot water is something most of us rely on every day. Even an expensive Water Heater is not built to last forever. It’s difficult to predict when the unit...
MAKE SURE TO KEEP YOUR FURNACE VENTS CLEAR OF SNOW In the middle of winter, the last thing you want is for your Furnace to go out. With the possibility of a large amount of snow in the forecast...
Furnace Issues? Heating Repair in Cedar Rapids, North Liberty and Iowa City With temperatures dropping, it’s time to turn our furnaces on. It is important to make sure your furnace is tuned up a...
Furnace Maintenance in Cedar Rapids, North Liberty & Iowa City With winter approaching, it is important to make sure your Furnace is up and running for the coldest nights ahead. But when was the l...
PLUMBING – 5 TIPS TO PREVENT CLOGGED DRAINS Everyone has experienced a clogged drain in home Plumbing some time in their life. These literally, hairy situations, are not fun to deal with. Althou...
New Air Conditioner in Cedar Rapids, North Liberty & Iowa City Don’t get caught on a hot summer day without your Air Conditioning unit working. Let’s check out a few conditions that ma...
Why is my Air Conditioner running Constantly? There is nothing worse than being stuck in warm, humid house with no air flow during a hot summer day in Eastern Iowa. You find yourself sweating and unco...
5 TIPS FOR AN ENERGY EFFICIENT HOME It’s time to be efficient and save money. There are a few things you can do to help lower your utility bills at the end of each month. Sometimes we forget to ...
AC MAINTENANCE TIPS TO PREPARE FOR SPRING For many homeowners, spring time is the time to open the windows and doors and let the fresh air in without using their HVAC systems. This is the perfect time...
AC MAINTENANCE TIPS TO PREPARE FOR SPRING For many homeowners, spring time is the time to open the windows and doors and let the fresh air in without using their HVAC systems. This is the perfect time...